How to use std::async on a member function? How to use std::async on a member function? multithreading multithreading

How to use std::async on a member function?

Something like this:

auto f = std::async(&Person::sum, &p, xxx);


auto f = std::async(std::launch::async, &Person::sum, &p, xxx);

where p is a Person instance and xxx is an int.

This simple demo works with GCC 4.6.3:

#include <future>#include <iostream>struct Foo{  Foo() : data(0) {}  void sum(int i) { data +=i;}  int data;};int main(){  Foo foo;  auto f = std::async(&Foo::sum, &foo, 42);  f.get();  std::cout << << "\n";}

There are several ways, but I find it's most clear to use a lambda, like this:

int i=42;Person p;auto theasync=std::async([&p,i]{ return p.sum(i);});

This creates a std::future. For a complete example of this, I have a full example including a async-capable setup of mingw here:

You need to make sure that p is thread safe and that the &p reference is valid until the async is joined. (You can also hold p with a shared pointer, or in c++14, a unique_ptr or even move p into the lambda.)