Interlocked used to increment/mimick a boolean, is this safe? Interlocked used to increment/mimick a boolean, is this safe? multithreading multithreading

Interlocked used to increment/mimick a boolean, is this safe?

Yes what you are doing is safe from a race point of view reaching the m_LayoutSuspended field, however, a lock is required for the following reason if the code does the following:

if (!o.IsLayoutSuspended)  // This is not thread Safe .....{  o.SuspendLayout();   // This is not thread Safe, because there's a difference between the checck and the actual write of the variable a race might occur.  ...  o.ResumeLayout();} 

A safer way, that uses CompareExchange to make sure no race conditions have occurred:

private long m_LayoutSuspended = 0;public bool SuspendLayout(){    return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_LayoutSuspended, 1) == 0;}if (o.SuspendLayout()) {  ....  o.ResumeLayout();}

Or better yet simply use a lock.

Personally I'd use a volatile Boolean:

private volatile bool m_LayoutSuspended = false;public void SuspendLayout(){    m_LayoutSuspended = true;}public void ResumeLayout(){    m_LayoutSuspended = false;}public bool IsLayoutSuspended{    get { return m_LayoutSuspended; }}

Then again, as I've recently acknowledged elsewhere, volatile doesn't mean quite what I thought it did. I suspect this is okay though :)

Even if you stick with Interlocked, I'd change it to an int... there's no need to make 32 bit systems potentially struggle to make a 64 bit write atomic when they can do it easily with 32 bits...