Is C#'s using statement abort-safe? Is C#'s using statement abort-safe? multithreading multithreading

Is C#'s using statement abort-safe?

The book's companion web site has more info on aborting threads here.

In short, the first translation is correct (you can tell by looking at the IL).

The answer to your second question is that there may be scenarios where the variable can be legitimately null. For instance, GetFoo() may return null here, in which you wouldn't want a NullReferenceException thrown in the implicit finally block:

using (var x = GetFoo()){   ...}

To answer your third question, the only way to make Abort safe (if you're calling Framework code) is to tear down the AppDomain afterward. This is actually a practical solution in many cases (it's exactly what LINQPad does whenever you cancel a running query).

There's really no difference between your two scenarios -- in the second, the ThreadAbort could still happen after the call to OpenText, but before the result is assigned to the reader.

Basically, all bets are off when you get a ThreadAbortException. That's why you should never purposely abort threads rather than using some other method of gracefully bringing the thread to a close.

In response to your edit -- I would point out again that your two scenarios are actually identical. The 'reader' variable will be null unless the File.OpenText call successfully completes and returns a value, so there's no difference between writing the code out the first way vs. the second.

Thread.Abort is very very bad juju; if people are calling that you're already in a lot of trouble (unrecoverable locks, etc). Thread.Abort should really be limited to the scanerio of inhuming a sickly process.

Exceptions are generally unrolled cleanly, but in extreme cases there is no guarantee that every bit of code can execute. A more pressing example is "what happens if the power fails?".

Re the null check; what if File.OpenText returned null? OK, it won't but the compiler doesn't know that.