Java ForkJoinPool with non-recursive tasks, does work-stealing work? Java ForkJoinPool with non-recursive tasks, does work-stealing work? multithreading multithreading

Java ForkJoinPool with non-recursive tasks, does work-stealing work?

ForkJoinPool source code has a nice section called "Implementation Overview", read up for an ultimate truth. The explanation below is my understanding for JDK 8u40.

Since day one, ForkJoinPool had a work queue per worker thread (let's call them "worker queues"). The forked tasks are pushed into the local worker queue, ready to be popped by the worker again and be executed -- in other words, it looks like a stack from worker thread perspective. When a worker depletes its worker queue, it goes around and tries to steal the tasks from other worker queues. That is "work stealing".

Now, before (IIRC) JDK 7u12, ForkJoinPool had a single global submission queue. When worker threads ran out of local tasks, as well the tasks to steal, they got there and tried to see if external work is available. In this design, there is no advantage against a regular, say, ThreadPoolExecutor backed by ArrayBlockingQueue.

It changed significantly after then. After this submission queue was identified as the serious performance bottleneck, Doug Lea et al. striped the submission queues as well. In hindsight, that is an obvious idea: you can reuse most of the mechanics available for worker queues. You can even loosely distribute these submission queues per worker threads. Now, the external submission goes into one of the submission queues. Then, workers that have no work to munch on, can first look into the submission queue associated with a particular worker, and then wander around looking into the submission queues of others. One can call that "work stealing" too.

I have seen many workloads benefiting from this. This particular design advantage of ForkJoinPool even for plain non-recursive tasks was recognized a long ago. Many users at concurrency-interest@ asked for a simple work-stealing executor without all the ForkJoinPool arcanery. This is one of the reasons, why we have Executors.newWorkStealingPool() in JDK 8 onward -- currently delegating to ForkJoinPool, but open for providing a simpler implementation.