Java: Set timeout for threads in a ThreadPool Java: Set timeout for threads in a ThreadPool multithreading multithreading

Java: Set timeout for threads in a ThreadPool

Have you seen this? ExecutorService.invokeAll

It should be exactly what you want: Invoke a bundle of workers and have them timeout if taking too long.

EDIT after comment - (new idea):You can use a CountDownLatch to wait for the tasks to finish AND timeout via await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)!You can then even do a shutdownNow and see which tasks have taken too long ...


To make it clearer:

  1. Have a CountDownLatch be count down by each Worker, when finished.
  2. In the main execution thread await with timeout on said latch.
  3. When that call returns, you can check the Latches's count to see if there has been the timeout hit (if it is >0).
  4. a) count = 0, all tasks finished in time.b) if not, loop the Futures and check their isDone. You don't have to call shutdown on the ExecutorService.
  5. Call shutdown if you do not need the Executor any longer.

Note: Workers can finish in the meantime between the timeout and calling their Future's isDone().