JDBC and Multithreading JDBC and Multithreading multithreading multithreading

JDBC and Multithreading

As rohivats and Asaph said, one connection must be used by one and only one thread, that said, consider using a database connection pool. Taking into account that c3p0, DBCP and similars are almost abandoned, I would use HikariCP which is really fast and reliable.

If you want something very simple you could implement a really simple connection pool using a thread safe collection (such as LinkedList), for example:

 public class CutrePool{      String connString;          String user;      String pwd;      static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 50;      LinkedList<Connection> pool = new LinkedList<Connection>();      public String getConnString() {          return connString;      }      public String getPwd() {          return pwd;      }      public String getUser() {          return user;      }      public CutrePool(String connString, String user, String pwd) throws SQLException {          this.connString = connString;                  for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_CAPACITY; i++) {               pool.add(DriverManager.getConnection(connString, user, pwd));          }          this.user = user;          this.pwd = pwd;      }      public synchronized Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {          if (pool.isEmpty()) {              pool.add(DriverManager.getConnection(connString, user, pwd));          }          return pool.pop();      }          public synchronized void returnConnection(Connection connection) {          pool.push(connection);      }    }

As you can see getConnection and returnConnection methods are synchronized to be thread safe. Get a connection (conn = pool.getConnection();) and don't forget to return/free a connection after being used (pool.returnConnection(conn);)

Don't use the same connection object in all threads. Give each thread a dedicated database connection.

One Connection can only execute one query at a time. You need multiple connections available to execute database operations in parallel. Try using a DataSource with a connection pool, and make each thread request a connection from the pool.