Lazy<T> without exception caching Lazy<T> without exception caching multithreading multithreading

Lazy<T> without exception caching

It's hard to use built-in Lazy for that: you should wrap your LazyWithoutExceptionCaching.Value getter in a lock. But that makes the use of the built-in Lazy redundant: you'll have unnecessary locks inside the Lazy.Value getter.

It's better to write your own Lazy implementation especiallyif you intend to instantiate reference types only, it turns to be rather simple:

public class SimpleLazy<T> where T : class{    private readonly Func<T> valueFactory;    private T instance;    private readonly object locker = new object();    public SimpleLazy(Func<T> valueFactory)    {        this.valueFactory = valueFactory;        this.instance = null;    }    public T Value    {        get        {            lock (locker)                return instance ?? (instance = valueFactory());        }    }}

P.S. Maybe we'll have this functionality built-in when this issue gets closed.

Unfortunately this is wrong solution! Please disregard it and use tsul answer. Leaving it only if you want to debug it and spot the bug.

Here is working solution (concurrent cache with factory) with tsul SimpleLazy:

I've ended up with following solution: wrapped Lazy to mimic the same functionality as Lazy but without exceptions cache.

Here is LazyWithoutExceptionsCaching class:

public class LazyWithoutExceptionCaching<T>{    private readonly Func<T> _valueFactory;    private Lazy<T> _lazy;         public LazyWithoutExceptionCaching(Func<T> valueFactory)    {        _valueFactory = valueFactory;        _lazy = new Lazy<T>(valueFactory);    }    public T Value    {        get        {            try            {                return _lazy.Value;            }            catch (Exception)            {                _lazy = new Lazy<T>(_valueFactory);                throw;            }        }    }}

Full working example (FIDDLE it here):

using System;using System.Collections.Concurrent;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Net;namespace Rextester{    public class Program    {        public class LazyWithoutExceptionCaching<T>        {            private readonly Func<T> _valueFactory;            private Lazy<T> _lazy;                         public LazyWithoutExceptionCaching(Func<T> valueFactory)            {                _valueFactory = valueFactory;                _lazy = new Lazy<T>(valueFactory);            }                public T Value            {                get                {                    try                    {                        return _lazy.Value;                    }                    catch (Exception)                    {                        _lazy = new Lazy<T>(_valueFactory);                        throw;                    }                }            }        }                public class LightsaberProvider        {            private static int _firstTime = 1;            public LightsaberProvider()            {                Console.WriteLine("LightsaberProvider ctor");            }            public string GetFor(string jedi)            {                Console.WriteLine("LightsaberProvider.GetFor jedi: {0}", jedi);                Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));                if (jedi == "2" && 1 == Interlocked.Exchange(ref _firstTime, 0))                {                    throw new Exception("Dark side happened...");                }                Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));                return string.Format("Lightsaver for: {0}", jedi);            }        }        public class LightsabersCache        {            private readonly LightsaberProvider _lightsaberProvider;            private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, LazyWithoutExceptionCaching<string>> _producedLightsabers;            public LightsabersCache(LightsaberProvider lightsaberProvider)            {                _lightsaberProvider = lightsaberProvider;                _producedLightsabers = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, LazyWithoutExceptionCaching<string>>();            }            public string GetLightsaber(string jedi)            {                LazyWithoutExceptionCaching<string> result;                if (!_producedLightsabers.TryGetValue(jedi, out result))                {                    result = _producedLightsabers.GetOrAdd(jedi, key => new LazyWithoutExceptionCaching<string>(() =>                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Lazy Enter");                        var light = _lightsaberProvider.GetFor(jedi);                        Console.WriteLine("Lightsaber produced");                        return light;                    }));                }                return result.Value;            }        }                public static void Main(string[] args)        {            Test();            Console.WriteLine("Maximum 1 'Dark side happened...' strings on the console there should be. No more, no less.");            Console.WriteLine("Maximum 5 lightsabers produced should be. No more, no less.");        }        private static void Test()        {            var cache = new LightsabersCache(new LightsaberProvider());            Parallel.For(0, 15, t =>            {                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)                {                    try                    {                        var result = cache.GetLightsaber((t % 5).ToString());                    }                    catch (Exception e)                    {                        Console.WriteLine(e.Message);                    }                    Thread.Sleep(25);                }            });        }    }}

Actualy, this feature is debated :

To wait, I use this graceful implementation from Marius Gundersen :

public class AtomicLazy<T>{    private readonly Func<T> _factory;    private T _value;    private bool _initialized;    private object _lock;    public AtomicLazy(Func<T> factory)    {        _factory = factory;    }    public T Value => LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref _value, ref _initialized, ref _lock, _factory);}