Local static variables for each thread Local static variables for each thread multithreading multithreading

Local static variables for each thread

You can use the thread_local keyword which indicates that the object has a thread storage duration. You can use it like that :

static thread_local int V;

If you want more information about storage class specifiers, you can check CppReference.

This is what the thread_local storage class specifier is for:

void method(){     thread_local int var = 0;     var++;}

This means that each thread will have its own version of var which will be initialized on the first run through that function and destroyed on thread exit.

You said, in a comment:

I do want a variable that is specific for each instance of a class

That's precisely what an instance variable is (a.k.a. a per-instance member).

static members and function local variables are not specific to each instance of a class! They are either completely global (one instance per entire executable), or are per-thread if you use C++11 and declare them thread_local.

You absolutely need a member variable. That's the only way to guarantee that the variable will be specific for each instance of the class.

You might argue that you create a dedicated thread per each instance of the class. First of all, it's likely that you shouldn't be doing that. Secondly, if you ever change your mind, and stop creating a per-class thread and, say, use a thread pool instead, your code will instantly break.

So, the proper and straightforward thing is to have it as an instance variable (as opposed to a class variable):

// OK - instance variableclass C { int var; };// WRONG - class variable and lookalikesclass C { static int var; };class C { void foo() { static int var; } };// WRONG - thread variable, but **not** instance variableclass C { static thread_local int var; };class C { void foo() { static thread_local int var; } };

If you want, you can indicate your intent by including the method's name in the variable name:

class C {  int foo_var;  C() : foo_var(0) {}  void foo() { ... }};

Finally, if you're OK with a bit more typing, you can use a member wrapper to enforce the scope it's used in:

#include <utility>#include <cassert>template <typename T, typename Member, Member member>class ScopedMember {   T data;public:   explicit ScopedMember(const T & d) : data(d) {}   explicit ScopedMember(T && d) : data(std::move(d)) {}   ScopedMember() {}   template <Member m, void(*)(char[member == m ? 1 : -1]) = (void(*)(char[1]))0>   T & use() { return data; }   template <Member m, void(*)(char[member == m ? 1 : -1]) = (void(*)(char[1]))0>   const T & use() const { return data; }};class C {public:   C() : m_foo(-1) {}   void granted() {      auto & foo = m_foo.use<&C::granted>();      foo = 5;      assert(m_foo.use<&C::granted>() == 5);   }   void rejected() {#if 0      // Won't compile      auto & foo = m_foo.use<&C::rejected>();#endif   }private:   ScopedMember<int, void(C::*)(), &C::granted> m_foo;};int main(){   C().granted();   return 0;}