Lock-free and wait-free thread-safe lazy initialization Lock-free and wait-free thread-safe lazy initialization multithreading multithreading

Lock-free and wait-free thread-safe lazy initialization

If you want true lock-freedom you will have to do some spinning. You can have one thread 'win' creation rights but the others must spin until it's ready.

private AtomicBoolean canWrite = new AtomicBoolean(false);  private volatile Foo foo; public Foo getInstance() {   while (foo == null) {       if(canWrite.compareAndSet(false, true)){           foo = new Foo();       }   }   return foo;}

This obviously has its problems of busy spinning (you can put a sleep or yield in there), but I would probably still recommend Initialization on demand.

I think you need to have some synchronization for the object creation itself. I would do:

// The atomic reference itself must be final!private final AtomicReference<Foo> instance = new AtomicReference<>(null);public Foo getInstance() {  Foo foo = instance.get();  if (foo == null) {    synchronized(instance) {      // You need to double check here      // in case another thread initialized foo      Foo foo = instance.get();      if (foo == null) {        foo = new Foo(); // actual initialization        instance.set(foo);      }    }  }  return foo;}

This is a very common pattern especially for lazy singletons. Double checked locking minimizes the number of times the synchronized block is actually executed.

I would probably go with the lazy init Singleton pattern:

private Foo() {/* Do your heavy stuff */}private static class CONTAINER { private static final Foo INSTANCE = new Foo();}public static Foo getInstance() { return CONTAINER.INSTANCE;}

I do not actually see any reason on using an AtomicReference member field for itself.