maximum reasonable timeout for a synchronous HTTP request maximum reasonable timeout for a synchronous HTTP request multithreading multithreading

maximum reasonable timeout for a synchronous HTTP request

How long a socket connection can remain open (without activity) depends on the (quality of the) network infrastructure.

A client HTTP request waiting for an answer from a server results in an open socket connection without any data going through that connection for a while. A proxy server might decide to close such inactive connections after 5 minutes. Similarly, a firewall can decide to close connections that are open for more than 30 minutes, active or not.

But since you are in the backend, these cases can be tested (just let the server thread handling the request sleep for a certain time before giving an answer). Once it is verified that socket connections are not closed by different network components, it is safe to rely on socket connections to remain open. Keep in mind though that network cables can be unplugged and servers can crash - you will always need a strategy to handle disruptions.

As for synchronous and asynchronous: both are feasable and both have advantages and disadvantages. But what is right for you depends on a whole lot more than just the reliability of socket connections.