Ninject - In what scope DbContext should get binded when RequestScope is meaningless? Ninject - In what scope DbContext should get binded when RequestScope is meaningless? multithreading multithreading

Ninject - In what scope DbContext should get binded when RequestScope is meaningless?

If you decide to go on with custom scope, the solution is:

public sealed class CurrentScope : INotifyWhenDisposed{    [ThreadStatic]    private static CurrentScope currentScope;    private CurrentScope()    {    }    public static CurrentScope Instance => currentScope ?? (currentScope = new CurrentScope());    public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }    public event EventHandler Disposed;    public void Dispose()    {        this.IsDisposed = true;        currentScope = null;        if (this.Disposed != null)        {            this.Disposed(this, EventArgs.Empty);        }    }}


Bind<DbContext>().To<MyDbContext>().InScope(c => CurrentScope.Instance)

And finally:

using (CurrentScope.Instance){    // your request...    // you'll get always the same DbContext inside of this using block    // DbContext will be disposed after going out of scope of this using block}