NSOperationQueue vs GCD NSOperationQueue vs GCD multithreading multithreading

NSOperationQueue vs GCD

NSOperationQueue is built on GCD as of iOS 4. Use the simplest API for the task at hand.Measure if it's a performance problem and then reevaluate if needed.dispatch_async is lower level, usually C-type stuff (but not limited to), and is good for one-shot and sequential type deals. NSOperationQueues are higher level, Objective-C stuff, and are good if you are adding a lot of operations at various points in your code, and/or need to manage concurrency, priorities and dependencies.

I assume by NSPriorityQueue you mean NSOperationQueue? The main reasons to use NSOperationQueue over GCD are if you need its additional features:

  • Older OS support
  • KVO on operation properties
  • Dependencies
  • Queue width limiting (although you can do this fairly easily in GCD with dispatch_semaphore_t)

Otherwise, unless you're working with an API that takes an NSOperationQueue, GCD is probably a better bet

Being at higher level,I found NSOperationQueue more elegant to manage tasks/operations instead of handling them at lower level using GCD.