null values in List<string> when adding and removing in multiple threads null values in List<string> when adding and removing in multiple threads multithreading multithreading

null values in List<string> when adding and removing in multiple threads

List<T> is not thread-safe except for N reads and zero writes; any non-zero number of writes alongside anything else is not supported, and such behavior is completely undefined. If you need concurrency: either add synchronization, or use a concurrent collection type.

in addition to @Marc Gravell answer.

but I do not understand how these null values are generated

The first thread continuously adds "Test {i}". However, the next thread removes "Test {i}". Therefore, Those null values are as a result of removal action of the next thread.

of worth to say that, next "Test {i}" won't be replaced to removed one but appended at the end of the generic collection.

The final result would behave like below:

Test 1 null Test 3 null null Test 6 .... Test 1 Test 2 null null Test 6 ...