pandas and numpy thread safety pandas and numpy thread safety multithreading multithreading

pandas and numpy thread safety

see caveat in the docs here:

pandas is not thread safe because the underlying copy mechanism is not. Numpy I believe has an atomic copy operation, but pandas has a layer above this.

Copy is the basis of pandas operations (as most operations generate a new object to return to the user)

It is not trivial to fix this and would come with a pretty heavy perf cost so would need a bit of work to deal with this properly.

Easiest is simply not to share objects across threads or lock them on usage.

Configure mod_wsgi to run in a single thread mode.

WSGIDaemonProcess mysite processes=5 threads=1WSGIProcessGroup mysiteWSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

In this case it is using mod_wsgi daemon mode so that processes/threads can be set independently on whatever Apache MPM you are using.