PHP pthreads: Fatal error: Class 'Thread' not found PHP pthreads: Fatal error: Class 'Thread' not found multithreading multithreading

PHP pthreads: Fatal error: Class 'Thread' not found

Hi I encountered this problem and managed to solve it.

First, consider the VC version of your PHP and the VC version of extension. In mine I attached the extension pthreads.dll with version VC14 from but my PHP VC version is VC11. Look for the lower version to match with the VC version of your PHP.

Second, maybe you missed the step #3 at PHP page. It states that you need to copy the pthreadVC2.dll to different folder. Here's the full instruction.

  1. Find out what is your 'PHP Extension Build' version by using phpinfo(). You can use this - http://localhost/?phpinfo=1

  2. Download the pthreads that matches your php version (32 bit or 64 bit) and php extension build (currently used VC11). Use this link for download -

  3. Extract the zip - Move php_pthreads.dll to the 'bin\php\ext\' directory. Move pthreadVC2.dll to the 'bin\php\' directory. Move pthreadVC2.dll to the 'bin\apache\bin' directory. Move pthreadVC2.dll to the 'C:\windows\system32' directory.

  4. Open php\php.ini and add extension=php_pthreads.dll


1) Create one php file
phpinfo(); --> Run
Example: Info
PHP Version: 5.6.31
Compiler: MSVC11 (Visual C++ 2012)
Architecture: x64

2)Go to website:
Example 2.0.9 file
Architecture:x64 download.

3)Extract php_pthreads.dll and pthreadVC2.dll.
wamp\bin\php\php5.6.31\ext\ --> copy php_pthreads.dll
wamp\bin\php\php5.6.31\ --> copy pthreadVC2.dll
wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.27\bin --> copy pthreadVC2.dll

4)Now edit php.ini
wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.27\bin\php.ini\ --> Add extension=php_pthreads.dll
wamp\bin\php\php5.6.31\php.ini\ --> Add extension=php_pthreads.dll

5)Now Restart Wamp

Your phpinfo shows that you have php with thread safety disabled. You need to install a version of php that is thread safe to use pthreads. This may or may not fix your current issue though.

You may need to copy the pthreadsVC2.dll into the bin directory of your web service as well.


You're looking for the folder with php.ini in it.

Make sure the php.ini file has the line added:
