Python: Alternating functions every x minutes Python: Alternating functions every x minutes multithreading multithreading

Python: Alternating functions every x minutes

Remember that functions are first-class objects in Python. That means you can store them in variables and containers! One way to do it would be:

funcs = [(foo, foo_kill), (bar, bar_kill)]def run(self):    counter = self.runTime    for sec in range(self.runTime):        runner, killer = funcs[counter % 2]    # the index alternates between 0 and 1        runner()    # do something        time.sleep(1800)        killer()    # kill something        counter -= 1

You're overcomplicating this.

while True:    foo()    time.sleep(1800)    foo_kill()    bar()    time.sleep(1800)    bar_kill()

Or if you want to easily add more functions later:

functions = [(foo, foo_kill), (bar, bar_kill), ] # Just append more as neededwhile True:    for f, kf in functions:        f()        time.sleep(1800)        kf()

Use a variable to record which function you ran last time. When the timer fires, run the other function and update the variable.