python threading: memory model and visibility python threading: memory model and visibility multithreading multithreading

python threading: memory model and visibility

There is no formal model for Python's threading (hey, after all, there wasn't one for Java's for years... hopefully, one will also eventually be written for Python).

In practice, no Python implementation performs any advanced optimization such as statement reordering or temporarily treating shared variables as thread-local ones -- and you can count on these semantics constraints even though they are not formally assured.

CPython in particular, as @Rawheiser's mention, uses a global interpreter lock; other implementations (PyPy, IronPython, Jython, ...) do not (so they can use multiple cores effectively with a threading model, while CPython requires multi-processing for the same purpose), so you should not count on that if you want to write code that's portable throughout Python implementations. (So, you shouldn't count on the "atomicity" of operations that only happen to be atomic in CPython because of the GIL, such as dictionary accesses -- in other Python implementations, multiple threads might be modifying a dict at once and cause errors unless you protect the dict with a lock or the like).