RabbitMQ and channels Java thread safety RabbitMQ and channels Java thread safety multithreading multithreading

RabbitMQ and channels Java thread safety

I suppose you are using Channel only for your consumer and not for other operations like publish etc..

In your case the only potential problem is here:

channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);

because you call this across two thread, btw this operation is safe, if you see the java code:

the class ChannelN.java calls:

public void basicAck(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)   throws IOException{   transmit(new Basic.Ack(deliveryTag, multiple));}

see github code for ChannelN.java

the transmit method inside AMQChannel uses:

public void transmit(Method m) throws IOException {   synchronized (_channelMutex) {       transmit(new AMQCommand(m));   }}

_channelMutex is a protected final Object _channelMutex = new Object();

created with the class.see github code for AMQChannel.java


As you can read on the official documentation, "some" operations are thread-safe, now it is not clear which ones.I studied the code, an I think there are not problems to call the ACK across more threads.

Hope it helps.

EDIT2I add also Nicolas's comment:

Note that consuming (basicConsume) and acking from more than one thread is a common rabbitmq pattern that is already used by the java client.

So you can use it safe.