Random numbers for multiple threads Random numbers for multiple threads multithreading multithreading

Random numbers for multiple threads

I would go with #1, seed every prng from urandom. This ensures that the states are totally independent (as far as the seed data is independent). Typically there will be plenty of entropy available unless you have many threads. Also, depending on the algorithm used for /dev/urandom you almost certainly don't need to worry about it.

So you might use something like the following to create each prng:

#include <random>std::mt19937 get_prng() {    std::random_device r;    std::seed_seq seed{r(), r(), r(), r(), r(), r(), r(), r()};    return std::mt19937(seed);}

You should verify that your implementation of std::random_device pulls from /dev/urandom under your configuration. And if it does use /dev/urandom by default then usually you can say std::random_device("/dev/random") if you want to use /dev/random instead.

You could use a PRNG with a different algebraic structure to seed the different PRNGs. E.g. some sequence of MD5 hashes.

However I would opt for #5. If it works then it is fine. If it does not you can still optimize it.

The point is creating a good PRNG is much harder than one might expect. A good PRNG for threaded applications is most probably something that is still subject to research.

If the number of CPUs is low enough you could get away with leap frogging. E.g. if you have 4 cores, initialize all with the same values, but advance core 1 PRNG by 1, #2 by and #3 by 3. Then advance always 4 steps when you need a new number.

I'd use one instance to seed the others. I'm pretty sure you can do this safely fairly easily.

  • Even small changes in the state space cause fairly large changes downstream - if you can ensure they don't have exactly the same starting space (and no identical state prefix), I wouldn't worry about producing identical numbers. For instance, using just the values 1,2,3 to seed three threads would work fine - you don't even need to seed the entire space. Another advantage: by using clearly predictable seeds you can easily discredit the idea that you're cherry-picking any runs (assuming you're trying to demonstrate something).
  • It's trivial to seed in a way that means the resultant "children" are highly un-correlated. Just iterate in a breadth-first fashion; i.e. if you want to seed N x 623 int values, don't seed 623 values sequentially, but pick the first N and distribute, then the next N etc. Even if there's some correlation between the seeder and the children, the correlation between the various children should be virtually non-existant - and that's all you care about.
  • I'd prefer an algorithm that allows deterministic execution whenever possible, so depending on urandom is not attractive. This makes debugging easier.
  • Finally, and obviously - test. These PRNG are fairly robust, but by all means eyeball the results and do a few correlation tests inspired by what you're simulating. Most problems should be obvious - either you've seeded badly and there are obvious repeating subsequences, you you've seeded well, and then the quality is dictated by the PRNG limitations.
  • For final executions, after you're done testing, you can seed the first of 623 state values using urandom for peace of mind and/or the thread ID.