Realm access from incorrect thread Exception while a copy was sent using copyFromRealm Realm access from incorrect thread Exception while a copy was sent using copyFromRealm multithreading multithreading

Realm access from incorrect thread Exception while a copy was sent using copyFromRealm

You are subscribing on while using the Realm instance from the UI thread:

realm.where(Brand.class)        .findAll()        .asObservable()        .flatMap(Observable::from)        .map(brand -> realm.copyFromRealm(brand)) // realm instance on the wrong thread        .subscribeOn(;            

What are you after is an easy way to move a query across threads, which is still work-in-progress here: Until then you can work around it by doing it yourself like this:

public Observable<Brand> getAllBrands(final Realm realm) {    return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<List<Brand>>() {        @Override        public void call(final Subscriber<? super List<Brand>> subscriber) {            Realm obsRealm = Realm.getInstance(realm.getConfiguration());            final RealmResults<Brand> results = obsRealm.where(Brand.class).findAll();            final RealmChangeListener listener = new RealmChangeListener() {                @Override                public void onChange() {                    subscriber.onNext(realm.copyFromRealm(results));                }            };            results.addChangeListener(listener);            subscriber.add(Subscriptions.create(new Action0() {                @Override                public void call() {                    realm.removeChangeListener(listener);                    realm.close();                }            }));        }    })    .flatMap(Observable::from);}

Note that Realm Changelisteners only work on Looper threads which means you probably need to change your worker thread to a H

HandlerThread bgThread = new HandlerThread("workerThread");Handler handler = new Handler(bgThread.getLooper());getAllBrands(realm).subscribeOn(HandlerScheduler.from(handler));


Can I produce it from one thread and process it on a different thread?

Answer is NO. You can read the description of realm in here

Although Realm files can be accessed by multiple threads concurrently, you cannot hand over Realms, Realm objects, queries, and results between threads. The thread example shows how to use Realm in a multithreading environment.