run threads of class member function in c++ run threads of class member function in c++ multithreading multithreading

run threads of class member function in c++

Seriously, use std::thread:

class CLASS{public:    void A();private:    void B(your args go here);};void CLASS::A(){    std::thread t(&CLASS::B, this, your args go here);    // when done    t.join();    // or    t.detach();}


Your code doesn't compile because CreateThread is a C API, expecting a non-member C function as a callback. In order to call a non-static member function of a C++ class, the caller needs to know about this pointer and how to correctly use it. Since WinAPI clearly doesn't have this and doesn't expect a member function pointer, this cannot possibly work. Your compiler catches this and reports it as a type mismatch error.

This is where the lpParameter of CreateThread comes into play. It allows you to pass this through that parameter. However it doesn't change the fact that CreateThread doesn't know how to call C++ member functions. Therefore it's your responsibility to wrap it in a static function that will do the member function call:

class CLASS{public:    void A();private:    DWORD B();    static DWORD s_B(LPVOID);};DWORD CLASS::s_B(LPVOID that) {    return ((CLASS*)that)->B();}void CLASS::A() {    CreateThread(NULL, 0, s_B, this, 0, NULL);}

This is what @Nawaz does in their answer, except in a slightly more general way.

Even though this approach works, it clearly has downsides:

  • It's verbose.
  • It's non portable.
  • You need to pass your original args through different means (e.g. through a member of your class).

std::thread already does all that for you.

You've to define your callback function as static function if it's member function!

Better design : define a reusable class!

From my previous answer: (with little modification)

Even better would be to define a reusable class with pure virtual function run() to be implemented by the derived thread classes. Here is how it should be designed:

//runnable is reusable class. All thread classes must derive from it! class runnable{public:    virtual ~runnable() {}    static DWORD WINAPI run_thread(LPVOID args)    {        runnable *prunnable = static_cast<runnable*>(args);        return prunnable->run();    } protected:    virtual DWORD run() = 0; //derived class must implement this!};class Thread : public runnable //derived from runnable!{public:    void newthread()    {        CreateThread(NULL, 0, &runnable::run_thread, this, 0, NULL);    }protected:    DWORD run() //implementing the virtual function!    {         /*.....your thread execution code.....*/    }}

You have to make that member function static.

The problem here is that every non-static member function has an implicit this parameter and that's in fact what the compiler is trying to tell you - your nin-static member function has signature different from the one you expected.

Also see this answer to a closely related question.