Runnable is posted successfully but not run Runnable is posted successfully but not run multithreading multithreading

Runnable is posted successfully but not run

If you look at the docs for there's some relevant info:

This method can be invoked from outside of the UI thread only when this View is attached to a window.

Since you're doing this in onCreate, it is likely that sometimes your View will not be attached to the window yet. You can verify this by overriding onAttachedToWindow and putting something in the logs and also logging when you post. You'll see that when the post fails, the post call happens before onAttachedToWindow.

As the others have mentioned, you can use Activity.runOnUiThread or provide your own handler. However, if you want to do it directly from the View itself, you can simply get the View's handler:


This is especially useful if you have a custom view that includes some sort of background loading. There's also the added bonus of not having to create a new separate handler.

I think the problem is you are updating the UI (ImageView) with a separate thread, which is not the UI Thread. The UI can only be updated by the UI Thread.

You can solve this by using Handler:

Handler uiHandler;public void onCreate(){    ...    uiHandler = new Handler(); // This makes the handler attached to UI Thread    ...}

Then replace your:

if ( ! Runnable() {

with Runnable() {

to make sure the imageview is updated in the UI Thread.

Handler is a quite confusing concept, I also took hours of research to really understand about this ;)

I extended ImageView class to solve this problem. I collect runnables passed to post while view not attached to window and in onAttachedToWindow post collected runnable.

public class ImageView extends android.widget.ImageView{    List<Runnable> postQueue = new ArrayList<Runnable>();    boolean attached;    public ImageView(Context context)    {        super(context);    }    public ImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)    {        super(context, attrs);    }    public ImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)    {        super(context, attrs, defStyle);    }    @Override    protected void onAttachedToWindow()    {        super.onAttachedToWindow();        attached = true;        for (Iterator<Runnable> posts = postQueue.iterator(); posts.hasNext();)        {  ;            posts.remove();        }    }    @Override    protected void onDetachedFromWindow()    {        attached = false;        super.onDetachedFromWindow();    }    @Override    public boolean post(Runnable action)    {        if (attached) return;        else postQueue.add(action);        return true;    }}