Thread Quantum? Thread Quantum? multithreading multithreading

Thread Quantum?

Thread Quantum is the amount of time that the schedule allows a thread to run before scheduling a different thread to run.

What are threads?

Platform Builder: Setting the Default Thread Quantum

As far as editing goes...There is a registry setting in windows that allows priority changing:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / PriorityControl / Win32PrioritySeparation

0 Foreground and background applications equally responsive

1 Foreground application more reponsive than background

2 Best foreground application response time

Check out this tutorial on thread quanta and scheduling

In particular:

Each thread has a quantum, which is effectively how long it is allowed to keep hold of the CPU if:

it remains runnable;

the scheduler determines that no other thread needs to run on that CPU instead.

I don't know how to identify, but I know what a Thread Quantum is.

Multithreading, or parallelism in general, is not "true" parallelism on a single-core computer (nor it is on a dual-core when there are more than 2 threads, nor it is on a quad-core when there are more than 4 threads, etc.).

The Operating System keeps track of a list of threads. Each thread has a priority. The list will execute the topmost thread on the list. The thread will execute for as long as allowed by the Thread Quantum. When a thread is finished executing, it will move down to the bottom of the list.

Thread Quantum will determine how long a thread may run on a sequential system. Higher priority threads have higher Quantums and thus run longer.