Thread synchronization- When does a thread release the lock on an object Thread synchronization- When does a thread release the lock on an object multithreading multithreading

Thread synchronization- When does a thread release the lock on an object

A synchronized method will only stop other threads from executing it while it is being executed. As soon as it returns other threads can (and often will immediately) get access.

The scenario to get your 1 1 2 2 ... could be:

  1. Thread 1 calls push(1) and is allowed in.
  2. Thread 2 calls push(1) and is blocked while Thread 1 is using it.
  3. Thread 1 exits push(1).
  4. Thread 2 gains access to push and pushes 1 but at the same time Thread 1 calls push(2).

Result 1 1 2 - you can clearly see how it continues.

When you say:

As per my understanding, when thread one is started it acquires a lock on the push method.

that is not quite right, in that the lock isn't just on the push method. The lock that the push method uses is on the instance of MyStack2 that push is called on. The methods pop and toString use the same lock as push. When a thread calls any of these methods on an object, it has to wait until it can acquire the lock. A thread in the middle of calling push will block another thread from calling pop. The threads are calling different methods to access the same data structure, using the same lock for all the methods that access the structure prevents the threads from accessing the data structure concurrently.

Once a thread gives up the lock on exiting a synchronized method the scheduler decides which thread gets the lock next. Your threads are acquiring locks and letting them go multiple times, every time a lock is released there is a decision for the scheduler to make. You can't make any assumptions about which will get picked, it can be any of them. Output from multiple threads is typically jumbled up.

It seems like you may have some confusion on exactly what the synchronized and yield keywords mean.

Synchronized means that only one thread can enter that code block at a time. Imagine it as a gate and you need a key to get through. Each thread as it enters takes the only key, and returns it when they are done. This allows the next thread to get the key and execute the code inside. It doesn't matter how long they are in the synchronized method, only one thread can enter at a time.

Yield suggests (and yes its only a suggestion) to the compiler that the current thread can give up its allotted time and another thread can begin execution. It doesn't always happen that way, however.

In your code, even though the current thread suggest to the compiler that it can give up its execution time, it still holds the key to the synchronized methods, and therefore the new thread cannot enter.

The unpredictable behavior comes from the yield not giving up the execution time as you predicted.

Hope that helped!