Timeout for each thread in ThreadPool in python Timeout for each thread in ThreadPool in python multithreading multithreading

Timeout for each thread in ThreadPool in python

This answer is in terms of python's multiprocessing library, which is usually preferable to the threading library, unless your functions are just waiting on network calls. Note that the multiprocessing and threading libraries have the same interface.

Given you're processes run for potentially 100 seconds each, the overhead of creating a process for each one is fairly small in comparison. You probably have to make your own processes to get the necessary control.

One option is to wrap f in another function that will exectue for at most 100 seconds:

from multiprocessing import Pooldef timeout_f(arg):    pool = Pool(processes=1)    return pool.apply_async(f, [arg]).get(timeout=100)

Then your code changes to:

    result = list(executor.map(timeout_f, params))

Alternatively, you could write your own thread/process control:

from multiprocessing import Processfrom time import timedef chunks(l, n):    """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. """    for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):        yield l[i:i+n]processes = [Process(target=f, args=(i,)) for i in params]exit_codes = []for five_processes = chunks(processes, 5):    for p in five_processes:        p.start()    time_waited = 0    start = time()    for p in five_processes:        if time_waited >= 100:            p.join(0)            p.terminate()        p.join(100 - time_waited)        p.terminate()        time_waited = time() - start    for p in five_processes:        exit_codes.append(p.exit_code)

You'd have to get the return values through something like Can I get a return value from multiprocessing.Process?

The exit codes of the processes are 0 if the processes completed and non-zero if they were terminated.

Techniques from:Join a group of python processes with a timeout, How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks?

As another option, you could just try to use apply_async on multiprocessing.Pool

from multiprocessing import Pool, TimeoutErrorfrom time import sleep    if __name__ == "__main__":    pool = Pool(processes=5)    processes = [pool.apply_async(f, [i]) for i in params]    results = []    for process in processes:        try:            result.append(process.get(timeout=100))        except TimeoutError as e:            results.append(e)

Note that the above possibly waits more than 100 seconds for each process, as if the first one takes 50 seconds to complete, the second process will have had 50 extra seconds in its run time. More complicated logic (such as the previous example) is needed to enforce stricter timeouts.