Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction multithreading multithreading

Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction

This occurs when two Sql Server processes are accessing the same resources, but in a different order. Therefore they end up both waiting for the other process, which is a deadlock.

There are a number of ways to prevent it, including:

  • Avoid taking unneccessary locks. Review the transaction isolation level required for the query, use with (nolock) locking hint for queries where appropriate.
  • Make sure that when taking locks you take locks on objects in the same order in each query.

E.g. if Proc1 locks table1 and then table2, but Proc2 locks table2 and then table1, the problem can arise. You can rewrite either proc to take locks in the same order to avoid this problem.

You can encapsulate your query in a TRY CATCH block, and catching error numbers (related to locks)

  1. 1204
  2. 1205
  3. 1222

Then you can automate retries, up to a certain number.. So you would do something like the following;

         DECLARE @RetryNo Int = 1     ,@RetryMaxNo Int = 5;   WHILE @RetryNo < @RetryMaxNo      BEGIN         BEGIN TRY          -- put your query that generates locks here....            SELECT   @RetryNo = @RetryMaxNo;         END TRY         BEGIN CATCH            IF ERROR_NUMBER() IN (1204, 1205, 1222)               BEGIN                  SET @RetryNo += 1;                  -- it will wait for 10 seconds to do another attempt                  WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10';               END             ELSE               THROW;         END CATCH      END 

You can also use table hints such as UPDLOCK.

Be sure what field you are going to update or insert, this field have non clustered index. If not availble you can first create nonclustered index of this field on this table and after create follow below steps.

  • Right click on table and select properties.

  • Select Option in right panel in properties.

  • In lock tab Allow page lock make 'False' and Allow row lock must be 'True' and then press Ok.

  • Press New Query button and writecommand 'update statistics tablename' and execute
  • Rebuild non clustered index.