Trigger an event when clipboard content changes Trigger an event when clipboard content changes multithreading multithreading

Trigger an event when clipboard content changes

Have you thought about using an endless loop and "sleeping" between tries?I used pyperclip for a simple PoC and it worked like a charm, and Windows and Linux.

import timeimport sysimport ossys.path.append(os.path.abspath("SO_site-packages"))import pypercliprecent_value = ""while True:    tmp_value = pyperclip.paste()    if tmp_value != recent_value:        recent_value = tmp_value        print("Value changed: %s" % str(recent_value)[:20])    time.sleep(0.1)

Instead of the print, do whatever you want. If you need help with multithreading to put this into a background thread, please tell me.


Here is a complete multithreading example.

import timeimport threadingimport pyperclipdef is_url_but_not_bitly(url):    if url.startswith("http://") and not "" in url:        return True    return Falsedef print_to_stdout(clipboard_content):    print ("Found url: %s" % str(clipboard_content))class ClipboardWatcher(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self, predicate, callback, pause=5.):        super(ClipboardWatcher, self).__init__()        self._predicate = predicate        self._callback = callback        self._pause = pause        self._stopping = False    def run(self):               recent_value = ""        while not self._stopping:            tmp_value = pyperclip.paste()            if tmp_value != recent_value:                recent_value = tmp_value                if self._predicate(recent_value):                    self._callback(recent_value)            time.sleep(self._pause)    def stop(self):        self._stopping = Truedef main():    watcher = ClipboardWatcher(is_url_but_not_bitly,                                print_to_stdout,                               5.)    watcher.start()    while True:        try:            print("Waiting for changed clipboard...")            time.sleep(10)        except KeyboardInterrupt:            watcher.stop()            breakif __name__ == "__main__":    main()

I create a subclass of threading.Thread, override the methods run and __init__ and create an instance of this class. By calling watcher.start() (not run()!), you start the thread.

To safely stop the thread, I wait for -c (Keyboard-interrupt) and tell the thread to stop itself.

In the initialization of the class, you also have a parameter pause to control how long to wait between tries.

Use the class ClipboardWatcher like in my example, replace the callback with what you do, e.g., lambda x: bitly(x, username, password).

Looking at pyperclip the meat of it on Macosx is :

import osdef macSetClipboard(text):    outf = os.popen('pbcopy', 'w')    outf.write(text)    outf.close()def macGetClipboard():    outf = os.popen('pbpaste', 'r')    content =    outf.close()    return content

These work for me how do you get on?

I don't quite follow your comment on being in a loop.

EDIT Added 'orrid polling example that shows how changeCount() bumps up on each copy to the pasteboard. It's still not what the OP wants as there seems no event or notification for modifications to the NSPasteboard.

from LaunchServices import *from AppKit import *import osfrom threading import Timerdef poll_clipboard():    pasteboard = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard()    print pasteboard.changeCount()def main():    while True:        t = Timer(1, poll_clipboard)        t.start()        t.join()if __name__ == "__main__":    main()


import osdef macSetClipboard(text):    outf = os.popen('pbcopy', 'w')    outf.write(text)    outf.close()def macGetClipboard():    outf = os.popen('pbpaste', 'r')    content =    outf.close()    return contentcurrent_clipboard = macGetClipboard()while True:   clipboard = macGetClipboard()      if clipboard != current_clipboard:       print(clipboard)       macSetClipboard("my new string")       print(macGetClipboard())       break