Using webbackgrounder nuget in MVC to run background task for long time Using webbackgrounder nuget in MVC to run background task for long time multithreading multithreading

Using webbackgrounder nuget in MVC to run background task for long time

You need to also add in a class to the App_Start folder of your application that will start the Job and manage it's lifetime. You can see an example here...

Here is the code from the demo app

using System;using Elmah;using WebBackgrounder.Jobs;[assembly: WebActivator.PostApplicationStartMethod(typeof(WebBackgrounder.DemoWeb.App_Start.WebBackgrounderSetup), "Start")][assembly: WebActivator.ApplicationShutdownMethod(typeof(WebBackgrounder.DemoWeb.App_Start.WebBackgrounderSetup), "Shutdown")]namespace WebBackgrounder.DemoWeb.App_Start{    public static class WebBackgrounderSetup    {        static readonly JobManager _jobManager = CreateJobWorkersManager();        public static void Start()        {            _jobManager.Start();        }        public static void Shutdown()        {            _jobManager.Dispose();        }        private static JobManager CreateJobWorkersManager()        {            var jobs = new IJob[]            {                new SampleJob(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)),                /* new ExceptionJob(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)), */                new WorkItemCleanupJob(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), new WorkItemsContext())            };            var coordinator = new WebFarmJobCoordinator(new EntityWorkItemRepository(() => new WorkItemsContext()));            var manager = new JobManager(jobs, coordinator);            manager.Fail(ex => Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(ex)));            return manager;        }    }}

However I found it simpler to just use the parts of Webbackgrounder that I needed as follows. Place this class in the App_Start folder

using System;using BombaySapphireCds.Jobs;using Elmah;[assembly: WebActivator.PostApplicationStartMethod(typeof(BombaySapphireCds.App_Start.PodMonitorConfig), "Start")][assembly: WebActivator.ApplicationShutdownMethod(typeof(BombaySapphireCds.App_Start.PodMonitorConfig), "Shutdown")]namespace BombaySapphireCds.App_Start{    public static class PodMonitorConfig    {        private static PodMonitorJob m_job;        public static void Start()        {            m_job = new PodMonitorJob(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));        }        public static void Shutdown()        {            m_job.Dispose();        }    }}

and the class to do the actual work... (put this anywhere you like)

using System;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace BombaySapphireCds.Jobs{    public class PodMonitorJob : IDisposable    {        private CancellationTokenSource m_cancel;        private Task m_task;        private TimeSpan m_interval;        private bool m_running;        public PodMonitorJob(TimeSpan interval)        {            m_interval = interval;            m_running = true;            m_cancel = new CancellationTokenSource();            m_task = Task.Run(() => TaskLoop(), m_cancel.Token);        }        private void TaskLoop()        {            while (m_running)            {                //                // Do monitoring work here.                //                Thread.Sleep(m_interval);            }        }        public void Dispose()        {            m_running = false;            if (m_cancel != null)            {                try                {                    m_cancel.Cancel();                    m_cancel.Dispose();                }                catch                {                }                finally                {                    m_cancel = null;                }            }        }    }}

This has become the new standard for background task execution on the web. It's a NuGet package and it's called HangFire - The tasks persist even beyond apppool recycling.