Utility of Future.cancel(boolean) method Utility of Future.cancel(boolean) method multithreading multithreading

Utility of Future.cancel(boolean) method

How does wrapping a Callable in a FutureTask help if the Thread can't be stopped by cancel?

You want to cancel the task, not the thread running it. Using cancel(true) prevents the task from starting (but doesn't remove it from the queue) and interrupts the thread if the task has started. The Task can ignore the interrupt, but there is no clean way of killing a thread without killing the whole process.

The problem that you are overlooking is that only cooperating threads can be stopped safely in Java.

Indeed, if you look at the Thread API, you will notice that there are some methods called destroy, pause, stop, and resume that were deprecated in Java 1.1. The reason that they were deprecated is that the Java designers realized that they generally can't be used safely. The reasons are explained in the note "Why are Thread.stop, Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?".

The problem is inherent in the Java threading model, and could only be avoided by curtailing the ability of one thread to interact with objects used by other threads. There is a JSR that specifies one one way of doing this ... Isolates ... but no mainstream JVMs implement these APIs to my knowledge.

So bringing this back to your question, the usefulness of Future.cancel is that it solves the subset of the problem that can be solved in the context of futures.

Invoking cancel(true) will prevent the Future from executing if not already run and will be interrupted if currently running. At this point, the burden to cancel the Future is put on the developer.

Since it is a thread pool it wouldn't make sense to stop the thread (though it rarely if ever makes sense to stop a thread). The cancel/interrupt will not cause the thread to exit from its run method. After the execution of your Callable's call method it will simply pull the next item off the work queue and process that.

The utility of the cancel method is simply to signal the executing thread that some process want's that Callable to stop - not the thread - so you will have to handle the stopping of the Callable yourself.