What multithreading package for Lua "just works" as shipped? What multithreading package for Lua "just works" as shipped? multithreading multithreading

What multithreading package for Lua "just works" as shipped?

Norman wrote concerning luaproc:

"it's not obvious to me how to use the scalar message-passing model to get results ultimately into a parent thread"

I had the same problem with a use case I was dealing with. I liked lua proc due to its simple and light implementation, but my use case had C code that was calling lua, which was triggering a co-routine that needed to send/receive messages to interact with other luaproc threads.

To achieve my desired functionality I had to add features to luaproc to allow sending and receiving messages from the parent thread or any other thread not running from the luaproc scheduler. Additionally, my changes allow using luaproc send/receive from coroutines created from luaproc.newproc() created lua states.

I added an additional luaproc.addproc() function to the api which is to be called from any lua state running from a context not controlled by the luaproc scheduler in order to set itself up with luaproc for sending/receiving messages.

I am considering posting the source as a new github project or contacting the developers and seeing if they would like to pull my additions. Suggestions as to how I should make it available to others are welcome.

Check the threads library in torch family. It implements a thread pool model: a few true threads (pthread in linux and windows thread in win32) are created first. Each thread has a lua_State object and a blocking job queue that admits jobs added from the main thread.

Lua objects are copied over from main thread to the job thread. However C objects such as Torch tensors or tds data structures can be passed to job threads via pointers -- this is how limited shared memory is achieved.

This is a perfect example of MapReduce

You can use LuaRings to accomplish your parallelization needs.