Why Double checked locking is 25% faster in Joshua Bloch Effective Java Example Why Double checked locking is 25% faster in Joshua Bloch Effective Java Example multithreading multithreading

Why Double checked locking is 25% faster in Joshua Bloch Effective Java Example

Once field has been initialised, the code is either:

if (field == null) {...}return field;


result = field;if (result == null) {...}return result;

In the first case you read the volatile variable twice whereas in the second you only read it once. Although volatile reads are very fast, they can be a little slower than reading from a local variable (I don't know if it is 25%).


  • volatile reads are as cheap as normal reads on recent processors (at least x86)/JVMs, i.e. there is no difference.
  • however the compiler can better optimise a code without volatile so you could get efficiency from better compiled code.
  • 25% of a few nanoseconds is still not much anyway.
  • it is a standard idiom that you can find in many classes of the java.util.concurrent package - see for example this method in ThreadPoolExecutor (there are many of them)

Without using a local variable, in most invocations we have effectively

if(field!=null) // true    return field;

so there are two volatile reads, which is slower than one volatile read.

Actually JVM can merge the two volatile reads into one volatile read and still conform to JMM. But we expect JVM to perform a good faith volatile read every time it's told to, not to be a smartass and try to optimize away any volatile read. Consider this code

volatile boolean ready;do{}while(!ready); // busy wait

we expect JVM to really load the variable repeatedly.