Auto increment feature in Database Auto increment feature in Database mysql mysql

Auto increment feature in Database

You should use identity (auto increment) columns. The bigint data type can store values up to 2^63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807). I don't think your system is going to reach this value soon, even if you are inserting and deleting lots of records.

If you implement the method you propose properly, you will end up with a lot of locking problems. Otherwise, you will have to deal with exceptions thrown because of constraint violation (or even worse - non-unique values, if there is no primary key constraint).

An int datatype in SQL Server can hold values from -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647.

If you seed your identity column with -2,147,483,648, e.g. FooId identity(-2,147,483,648, 1) then you have over 4 billion values to play with.

If you really think this is still not enough, you could use a bigint, which can hold values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, but this almost guaranteed to be overkill. Even with large data volumes and/or a large number of transactions, you will probably either run out of disk space or exhaust the lifetime of your application before you exhaust the identity values when using an int, and almost certainly when using a bigint.

To summarise, you should use an identity column and you should not care about gaps in the values since a) you have enough candidate values and b) it's an abstract number with no logical meaning.

If you were to implement the solution you suggest, with the code deriving the next identity column, you would have to consider concurrency, since you will have to synchronise access to the current maximum identity value between two competing transactions. Indeed, you may end up introducing a significant performance degradation, since you will have to first read the max value, calculate and then insert (not to mention the extra work involved in synchronising concurrent transactions). If, however, you use an identity column, concurrency will be handled for you by the database engine.

Continue to use the identity feature with PK in SQL Server. In mysql, there is also auto increment feature. Don't worry that you run out of integer range, you will run out of hard disk space before that happens.