Cannot start mysqld_safe to reset root password Cannot start mysqld_safe to reset root password mysql mysql

Cannot start mysqld_safe to reset root password

mysqld_safe is the command to start the mysql engine. It's not supposed to do or show anything after the line saying that it's started mysql. Once you've run mysqld_safe, the next step is to run mysql. Because you started mysqld with --skip-grant-tables you won't need to specify a username or password.

You can then give the command to reset root's password. For instructions on how to set a password, see .

have you tried "mysqld --skip-grant-tables" instead of mysqld_safe? make sure to kill any mysqld threads that didn't die before starting mysqld --skip-grant-tables. Do a ps -ef and grep for mysql, kill -9 any mysql process, then start it --skip-grants-tables.