Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list (indexes is set) Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list (indexes is set) mysql mysql

Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list (indexes is set)

Assuming you are using MyISAM engine, Execute:


The fulltext index should contain exactly the same number of columns, in same order as mentioned in MATCH clause.

If you don't feel like having the columns in the same order as in the match clause( or the same number), you can always use 'OR' that is:

ALTER TABLE products ADD FULLTEXT(brand);ALTER TABLE products ADD FULLTEXT(product_name); SELECT * FROM products WHERE MATCH(brand) AGAINST('+Skoda*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR MATCH(product_name) AGAINST('+productName*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

When everything was right and still got this error I found that the KEYS were disabled. A simple error that is sometimes overlooked:

Make sure you have enabled the keys on that table.

It didn't work for me when I had disabled the keys. But when I enabled the keys ALTER TABLE table name ENABLE KEYS; it worked fine