Can't load mysql.web assembly Can't load mysql.web assembly mysql mysql

Can't load mysql.web assembly

realize this is old, but in case its viewed later, here's what I found is cause / resolution.

I had to do some MySQL work on my regular .NET web server (db and web servers on same machine) so I used the MySQL installer ( That little sucker seems to have gone and updated my .NET machine.config for me, how nice, so it's connector will work well with .NET. Stupid installer. Anyways when I went to go use a .NET / SQL Server app (no tie in to MySQL) I got the same error.

Easy enough fix (and your MySQL utilizing apps should still work just fine). Just comment out the MySQL reference(s) in the appropriate .NET framwework machine.config.

NOTE: the web page the error is on will tell you what machine.config file (and line number) is offending.

Link below is more detailed:

My Solution to this question as I do had the same issue:

Just add a reference to MySql.Web and it will go.

Try reinstalling MySQL .NET Connector 6.9.4 while uncheck “Web Providers” during the installation -

See more at: [ASP.NET with MySQL: Configuration Error (MySql.Web.v20)][1]