Complex WHERE clauses using the PHP Doctrine ORM Complex WHERE clauses using the PHP Doctrine ORM mysql mysql

Complex WHERE clauses using the PHP Doctrine ORM

From my experience, each complex where function is grouped within parenthesis (I'm using Doctrine 1.2.1).

$q->where('name = ?', 'ABC')  ->andWhere('category1 = ? OR category2 = ? OR category3 = ?', array('X', 'X', 'X'))  ->andWhere('price < ?', 10)

produces the following SQL:

WHERE name = 'ABC'   AND (category1 = 'X' OR category2 = 'X' OR category3 = 'X')  AND price < 10

The correct way of doing this can be found at doctrine 2 - query builder conditional queries... If statements? as noted by @Jekis. Here is how to use the expression builder to solve this like in @anushr's example.

$qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('name', ':name'))  ->andWhere(    $qb->expr()->orX(      $qb->expr()->eq('category1', ':category1'),      $qb->expr()->eq('category2', ':category2'),      $qb->expr()->eq('category3', ':category3')  )  ->andWhere($qb->expr()->lt('price', ':price')  ->setParameter('name', 'ABC')  ->setParameter('category1', 'X')  ->setParameter('category2', 'X')  ->setParameter('category3', 'X')  ->setParameter('price', 10);

As it seems like you can't do complex queries using DQL, I wrote the following SQL to pass to the andWhere() method:

$q->andWhere("(category1 IN $subcategory_in_clauseOR category2 IN $subcategory_in_clause OR category3 IN $subcategory_in_clause) AND TRUE");

Note the "AND TRUE", a hack so that the parser wouldn't ignore the outer parentheses.