Converting an existing MyISAM database to InnoDB with Django Converting an existing MyISAM database to InnoDB with Django mysql mysql

Converting an existing MyISAM database to InnoDB with Django

This might help:

from import BaseCommandfrom django.db import connectionsclass Command(BaseCommand):    def handle(self, database="default", *args, **options):        cursor = connections[database].cursor()        cursor.execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS")        for row in cursor.fetchall():            if row[1] != "InnoDB":                print "Converting %s" % row[0],                print cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s ENGINE=INNODB" % row[0])

Add that to your app under the folders management/commands/ Then you can convert all your tables with a command:

python convert_to_innodb

Converting MyISAM to InnoDB with Django.

Given the old database is in MyISAM.

Dump the data of old database to json with:

$ python dumpdata contenttypes --indent=4 --natural > contenttype.json$ python dumpdata --exclude contenttypes --indent=4 --natural > everything_else.json

Delete the old database, and create it again.

Add InnoDB settings in your like this:

DATABASES = {    'default': {        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',        'STORAGE_ENGINE': 'InnoDB',        'NAME': 'yourdbname',        'USER': '',        'PASSWORD': '',        'HOST': '',        'PORT': '',        'OPTIONS': {            'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=InnoDB',  # better to set this in your database config, otherwise django has to do a query everytime        }    }}

Create tables (django also adds the relations)Make sure you don't add an admin user:

$ python syncdb --migrate

Now you want to empty all the old tables:

$ python sqlflush | ./ dbshell

Now you can load the new data into the database like so:

$ python loaddata contenttype.json$ python loaddata everything_else.json

There you go.I used Django==1.4 for this.

This really has nothing to do with Django. It's entirely a MySQL thing, and there's documentation on just this type of thing directly from them: