Defining Composite Key with Auto Increment in MySQL Defining Composite Key with Auto Increment in MySQL mysql mysql

Defining Composite Key with Auto Increment in MySQL

You can't have MySQL do this for you automatically for InnoDB tables - you would need to use a trigger or procedure, or user another DB engine such as MyISAM. Auto incrementing can only be done for a single primary key.

Something like the following should work

DELIMITER $$CREATE TRIGGER xxx BEFORE INSERT ON issue_logFOR EACH ROW BEGIN    SET NEW.sr_no = (       SELECT IFNULL(MAX(sr_no), 0) + 1       FROM issue_log       WHERE app_id  = NEW.app_id         AND test_id = NEW.test_id    );END $$DELIMITER ;

You can do this with myISAM and BDB engines. InnoDB does not support this. Quote from MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual.

For MyISAM and BDB tables you can specify AUTO_INCREMENT on a secondary column in a multiple-column index. In this case, the generated value for the AUTO_INCREMENT column is calculated as MAX(auto_increment_column) + 1 WHERE prefix=given-prefix.

I don't fully understand your increment requirement on the test_id column, but if you want an ~autoincrement sequence that restarts on every unique combination of (app_id, test_id), you can do an INSERT ... SELECT FROM the same table, like so:

mysql> INSERT INTO `issue_log` (`sr_no`, `app_id`, `test_id`, `issue_name`) SELECT           IFNULL(MAX(`sr_no`), 0) + 1 /* next sequence number */,           3 /* desired app_id */,           1 /* desired test_id */,           'Name of new row'           FROM `issue_log` /* specify the table name as well */       WHERE `app_id` = 3 AND `test_id` = 1 /* same values as in inserted columns */

This assumes a table definition with no declared AUTO_INCREMENT column. You're essentially emulating autoincrement behavior with the IFNULL(MAX()) + 1 clause, but the manual emulation works on arbitrary columns, unlike the built-in autoincrement.

Note that the INSERT ... SELECT being a single query ensures atomicity of the operation. InnoDB will gap-lock the appropriate index, and many concurrent processes can execute this kind of query while still producing non-conflicting sequences.