Equivalent of MSSQL IDENTITY Column in MySQL Equivalent of MSSQL IDENTITY Column in MySQL mysql mysql

Equivalent of MSSQL IDENTITY Column in MySQL

CREATE TABLE Lookups.Gender(    GenderID   INT         NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    GenderName VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL);

CREATE TABLE `Persons` (  `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `LastName` varchar(255) NOT NULL,  `FirstName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  `Address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  `City` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=100 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

This above example uses the AUTO_INCREMENT syntax. You can specify a starting offset specific to the table.

The Increment, however, has to be set globally.

SET @@auto_increment_increment=10;

You can also set a global default for the offset like follows:

SET @@auto_increment_offset=5;

To view your current values, type SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_inc%';