get all items of category and its child get all items of category and its child mysql mysql

get all items of category and its child

You would most likely want to do nested sets. They are a little tricky to get set up, but make the queries MUCH simpler. So, instead of category parent, you are going to have two columns - lft and rgt. Left and right are basically the boundaries of a category, if an item's category id is between those values, you know that it is a child of that category.

+----+---------------+-----+------+| id | category name | lft | rgt  |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 1  | cars          |  1  |  24  |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 2  | bmw           |  2  |  3   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 5  | audi          |  4  | 23   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 6  | 100           |  5  |  6   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 7  | 80            |  7  |  8   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 8  | A4            |  9  | 22   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 9  | TDI           |  10 | 11   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 10 | Quatro        |  12 | 21   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 11 | Black         |  13 | 18   |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 12 | White         |  19 |  20  |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 13 | 2 doors       |  14 |  15  |+----+---------------+-----+------+| 14 | 5 doors       |  16 | 17   |+----+---------------+-----+------+

Then, to get the number of items in the cars category, you can do it super simply like this:

SELECT,, items.category_id, FROM categories LEFT JOIN items     ON (items.category_id BETWEEN categories.lft AND categories.rgt)WHERE categories.category_name = 'cars'

Obviously you can just change the value of category_name and get the items in ANY category.

Sorry, for some reason the image rotated when I uploaded it here, but if you draw out your categories as circles, and then number the lines, you can see what the value should be for left and right.

I only did cars since I figured you could extrapolate to get the other categories.

enter image description here

So if you write out your categories like this:

Cars(BMW(), Audi(100(),80(),A4(TDI(),Quatro(Black(2dr(),5dr()), White())))

Then you can label your parenthesis with numbers:

Cars[1]->(BMW[2]->()<-[3], Audi[4]->(100[5]->()<-[6],80[7]->()<-[8],A4[9]->(TDI[10]->()<-[11],Quatro[12]->(Black[13]->(2dr[14]->()<-[15], 5dr[16]->()<-[17])<-[18], White[19]->()<-[20])<-[21])<-[22])<-[23])<-[24]

Or if you chart it out as a tree, you can label it like this, where you label the left most node with a number, and only label the right node when you have labeled all of it's children:

enter image description here

I have a new idea I think it will be nice.The idea is this:in category_parent column we will insert a reference to all parents of this node.

+----+---------------+-----------------+| id | category name |    hierarchy    |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 1  | cars          |        1        |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 2  | real estate   |        2        |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 3  | clothes       |        3        |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 4  | bmw           |       1-4       |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 5  | audi          |       1-5       |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 6  | 100           |      1-4-6      |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 7  | 80            |      1-4-7      |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 8  | A4            |      1-4-8      |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 9  | QUATRO        |     1-4-8-9     |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 10 | TDI           |     1-4-8-10    |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 11 | Black         |    1-4-8-9-11   |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 12 | White         |   1-4-8-9-12    |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 13 | 2 doors       |  1-4-8-9-11-13  |+----+---------------+-----------------+| 14 | 5 doors       |  1-4-8-9-11-14  |+----+---------------+-----------------+

if you look at my updated table you will notice that every record has an link to its parents, not only the direct one, But also all of parents.And for that job I made some modification to insert to be:

Insert into table_name (category_name, hierarchy) values ('new_name', (concat(parent_hierarch, '-', (SELECT Auto_increment FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='table_name'))))

Now lets make your desired queries:

1- all sub categories of cars:

select * from table_name where hierarchy like '1-%'

2- if you need all parent of BLACK you simply type:

select * from table_name where hierarchy = '1-4-8-9' or hierarchy = '1-4-8' or hierarchy = '1-4' or hierarchy = '1'

(you can build that query from php, splitting hierarchy field at '-' char)

3- To see all categories, with level and direct parent:

select *, SUBSTR(hierarchy, 1, (LENGTH(hierarchy) - LENGTH(id) - 1)) as parent, LENGTH(hierarchy) - LENGTH(REPLACE(hierarchy, '-', '')) as level From table_name
+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| id | category name |    hierarchy    |   parent  |  level |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 1  | cars          |        1        |           |    0   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 2  | real estate   |        2        |           |    0   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 3  | clothes       |        3        |           |    0   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 4  | bmw           |       1-4       |     1     |    1   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 5  | audi          |       1-5       |     1     |    1   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 6  | 100           |      1-4-6      |    1-4    |    2   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 7  | 80            |      1-4-7      |    1-4    |    2   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 8  | A4            |      1-4-8      |    1-4    |    2   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 9  | QUATRO        |     1-4-8-9     |   1-4-8   |    3   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 10 | TDI           |     1-4-8-10    |   1-4-8   |    3   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 11 | Black         |    1-4-8-9-11   |  1-4-8-9  |    4   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 12 | White         |   1-4-8-9-12    |  1-4-8-9  |    4   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 13 | 2 doors       |  1-4-8-9-11-13  |1-4-8-9-11 |    5   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+| 14 | 5 doors       |  1-4-8-9-11-14  |1-4-8-9-11 |    5   |+----+---------------+-----------------+-----------+--------+

This is a new idea and need some improvement.I hope you benefit from it.

You may want to look at this article on suggestions for handling tree-structured data in MySQL.

What approach you choose to take would likely depend on what your application read and write use cases consist of.

Currently, you are using an adjacency list model, which is particularly problematic when working with arbitrary tree depth type of queries. If this is a major use case for you, you may want to consider nested set approach, which though probably not as intuitive, is much better suited for arbitrary depth tree queries.

The challenge with the nested set approach is that updates to the table are typically more difficult to manage.