How should unix timestamps be stored in int columns? How should unix timestamps be stored in int columns? mysql mysql

How should unix timestamps be stored in int columns?

Standard UNIX timestamps are a signed 32bit integer, which in MySQL is a regular "int" column. There's no way you could store 9,999,999,999, as that's way outside the representation range - the highest a 32bit int of any sort can go is 4,294,967,295. The highest a signed 32bit in goes is 2,147,483,647.

If/when UNIX timestamps go to a 64bit data type, then you'll have to use a MySQL "bigint" to store them.

As for int(10), the (10) portion is merely for display purposes. MySQL will still use a full 32bit internally to store the number, but only display 10 whenever you do a select on the table.