How to abort INSERT operation in MySql trigger? How to abort INSERT operation in MySql trigger? mysql mysql

How to abort INSERT operation in MySql trigger?

I came across this and although the solution works I later came across what feels to me like a better solution. I suspect this wasn't an option when this question was originally answered.

CREATE TRIGGER `TestTable_SomeTrigger`BEFORE UPDATE ON `test_table`FOR EACH ROWBEGIN    DECLARE msg VARCHAR(255);    IF (SomeTestToFail = "FAIL!") THEN        set msg = "DIE: You broke the rules... I will now Smite you, hold still...";        SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = msg;    END IF;    -- Do any other code here you may want to occur if it's all OK or leave blank it will be    --  skipped if the above if is trueEND$$

This will now return a nice (or evil!) error message that you can trap.For more info on this see:

I hope this helps someone else!

The comments in the mysql documentation about triggers suggest that there is no such feature in mysql. The best you can do is to create a separate table for your trigger errors, as suggested on the same page.

If your table definition is for a NOT NULL value, you could set NEW to NULL, which would effectively not do the insert. You might have to turn strict sql mode on for this to work properly.