How to create a column of type tinyint(2) or tinyint(3) in Ruby on Rails? How to create a column of type tinyint(2) or tinyint(3) in Ruby on Rails? mysql mysql

How to create a column of type tinyint(2) or tinyint(3) in Ruby on Rails?

For tinyint(2)

create_table :great_table do |t|  t.integer :step_position, :limit => 2end

For tinyint(3)

create_table :great_table do |t|  t.integer :step_position, :limit => 3end

According to what I can see in the source code of the gem, you can't:

     # File activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb, line   540       540:       def type_to_sql(type, limit = nil, precision = nil, scale = nil)     541:         return super unless type.to_s == 'integer'     542:      543:         case limit     544:         when 1; 'tinyint'     545:         when 2; 'smallint'     546:         when 3; 'mediumint'     547:         when nil, 4, 11; 'int(11)'  # compatibility with MySQL default     548:         when 5..8; 'bigint'     549:         else raise(ActiveRecordError, "No integer type has byte size #{limit}")     550:         end     551:       end


There is no such thing as tinyint(4) in MySQL in the first place. tinyint is a one byte signed integer. You can check all integer types in the docs. You may see something like tinyint(1) even in the Rails source code, but I think it's a tautology as tinyint already implies one byte storage.

The Rails way to declare TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT, BIGINT in a migration is by using limit: with the appropriate byte size as can be seen in the source code.

Beware that Rails will treat one-byte integers as booleans by default though, as can be seen from the above link.