How to find all IDs of children recursively? How to find all IDs of children recursively? mysql mysql

How to find all IDs of children recursively?

There are two basic methods for doing this: adjacency lists and nested lists. Take a look at Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL.

What you have is an adjacency list. No there isn't a way of recursively grabbing all descendants with a single SQL statement. If possible, just grab them all and map them all in code.

Nested sets can do what you want but I tend to avoid it because the cost of inserting a record is high and it's error-prone.

Here is a simple single-query MySql-solution:

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Level SEPARATOR ',') FROM (   SELECT @Ids := (       SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ID` SEPARATOR ',')       FROM `table_name`       WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`parent_id`, @Ids)   ) Level   FROM `table_name`   JOIN (SELECT @Ids := <id>) temp1) temp2

Just substitute <id> with the parent element's ID.

This will return a string with the IDs of all descendants of the element with ID = <id>, separated by ,. If you would rather have multiple rows returned, with one descendant on each row, you can use something like this:

SELECT *FROM `table_name`WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, (   SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Level SEPARATOR ',') FROM (      SELECT @Ids := (          SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ID` SEPARATOR ',')          FROM `table_name`          WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`parent_id`, @Ids)      ) Level      FROM `table_name`      JOIN (SELECT @Ids := <id>) temp1   ) temp2))

Including the root/parent element

The OP asked for the children of an element, which is answered above. In some cases it might be useful to include the root/parent element in the result. Here are my suggested solutions:

Comma-separated string of ids:

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Level SEPARATOR ',') FROM (   SELECT <id> Level   UNION   SELECT @Ids := (       SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ID` SEPARATOR ',')       FROM `table_name`       WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`parent_id`, @Ids)   ) Level   FROM `table_name`   JOIN (SELECT @Ids := <id>) temp1) temp2

Multiple rows:

SELECT *FROM `table_name`WHERE `ID` = <id> OR FIND_IN_SET(`ID`, (   SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Level SEPARATOR ',') FROM (      SELECT @Ids := (          SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ID` SEPARATOR ',')          FROM `table_name`          WHERE FIND_IN_SET(`parent_id`, @Ids)      ) Level      FROM `table_name`      JOIN (SELECT @Ids := <id>) temp1   ) temp2))

You could probably do it with a stored procedure, if that's an option for you.

Otherwise you can't do it with a single sql-statement.

Ideally you should make the recursive calls to walk the tree from your program