How to generate DDL for all tables in a database in MySQL How to generate DDL for all tables in a database in MySQL mysql mysql

How to generate DDL for all tables in a database in MySQL

You can do it using the mysqldump command line utility:

mysqldump -d -u <username> -p<password> -h <hostname> <dbname>

The -d option means "without data".

@tftdias above made a comment that is partially correct:

The issue was the space between the -p and 'pps' as the password. You can absolutely freetext your password on the command line. You just shouldn't, as a general security rule. In linux, with a proper configuration, you can add a space (" ") BEFORE the first character on your command line, and that line will not enter into 'history'. I would recommend that whenever you cleartext your password (don't do it!), that you at least put a space first so that the password is not in visible history.

You must get list of all the tables in database and then run this query.check this link to get list of all tables: