How to remove all non-alpha numeric characters from a string in MySQL? How to remove all non-alpha numeric characters from a string in MySQL? mysql mysql

How to remove all non-alpha numeric characters from a string in MySQL?

None of these answers worked for me. I had to create my own function called alphanum which stripped the chars for me:

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS alphanum; DELIMITER | CREATE FUNCTION alphanum( str CHAR(255) ) RETURNS CHAR(255) DETERMINISTICBEGIN   DECLARE i, len SMALLINT DEFAULT 1;   DECLARE ret CHAR(255) DEFAULT '';   DECLARE c CHAR(1);  IF str IS NOT NULL THEN     SET len = CHAR_LENGTH( str );     REPEAT       BEGIN         SET c = MID( str, i, 1 );         IF c REGEXP '[[:alnum:]]' THEN           SET ret=CONCAT(ret,c);         END IF;         SET i = i + 1;       END;     UNTIL i > len END REPEAT;   ELSE    SET ret='';  END IF;  RETURN ret; END | DELIMITER ; 

Now I can do:

select 'This works finally!', alphanum('This works finally!');

and I get:

+---------------------+---------------------------------+| This works finally! | alphanum('This works finally!') |+---------------------+---------------------------------+| This works finally! | Thisworksfinally                |+---------------------+---------------------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)


From a performance point of view,(and on the assumption that you read more than you write)

I think the best way would be to pre calculate and store a stripped version of the column, This way you do the transform less.

You can then put an index on the new column and get the database to do the work for you.

SELECT teststring REGEXP '[[:alnum:]]+';SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE test REGEXP '[[:alnum:]]+'; 

Scroll down to the section that says: [:character_class:]

If you want to manipulate strings the fastest way will be to use a str_udf, see: