How to use MySQL JDBC driver in an SBT Scala project? How to use MySQL JDBC driver in an SBT Scala project? mysql mysql

How to use MySQL JDBC driver in an SBT Scala project?

In the SBT project class there should be a line:

 // Declare MySQL connector Dependency  val mysql = "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.12"

This will import the JDBC driver JAR file for MySQL.

Did you load the driver? If you use this Util class to fetch the connections, the driver will be loaded exactly one time:

// Util Classobject DaoUtil {  import java.sql.{DriverManager, Connection}  private var driverLoaded = false  private def loadDriver()  {    try{      Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance      driverLoaded = true    }catch{      case e: Exception  => {        println("ERROR: Driver not available: " + e.getMessage)        throw e      }    }  }  def getConnection(dbc: DbConnection): Connection =  {    // Only load driver first time    this.synchronized {      if(! driverLoaded) loadDriver()    }    // Get the connection    try{      DriverManager.getConnection(dbc.getConnectionString)    }catch{      case e: Exception  => {        println("ERROR: No connection: " + e.getMessage)        throw e      }    }  }}

The code is taken from a simple SBT - MySQL tutorial I wrote some time ago. If you want to download the complete tutorial, see

In the project/plugins.sbt file add a line

libraryDependencies += "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.12"

Then if your in the sbt shell, restart it.

The MySQL dependency must be configured in your build.sbt. Currently the style is to declare library dependencies like so:

libraryDependencies ++= {  val liftVersion = "2.5.1"  Seq(    "net.liftweb"       %% "lift-webkit"        % liftVersion        % "compile",    "net.liftweb"       %% "lift-mapper"        % liftVersion        % "compile",    //etc  )}

Add the following inside the Seq to add mysql:

"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.+"

Note that the + means that it will get the latest minor version; anything above 5.1, such as 5.1.27 (the current version at time of writing).