How to use "on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" in H2 database with JUnit? How to use "on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" in H2 database with JUnit? mysql mysql

How to use "on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" in H2 database with JUnit?

The official statement from the H2 is that it is not supported and the workaround is to create a trigger. You can read this here

Whatever you put in the "columnDefinition" it is provider specific. And since you have already mapped your entity with this specific column definition you are not leaving yourself much space to manouver.

There are several things you can do. Some of the them are hacks.

  1. Mix XML configuration for the tests. The XML configurationn of the Entities has higher priority than the annotations so you can actualy override with H2 specific column definition.

    @Column(columnDefinition = "TIMESTAMP default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")private LocalDateTime thetime

  2. Agnostic of the Database alternative is to leave your time generation to the application server layer and hook it to the @PrePersist @PreUpdate listeners on the entity

  3. If the timestamp must be generated by the database you can do something similar to how the IDs are generated. Have some sort of dedicated object that reads the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from the database and puts it the entity right before you persist, update.