mysql count group by having mysql count group by having mysql mysql

mysql count group by having

One way would be to use a nested query:

SELECT count(*)FROM (   SELECT COUNT(Genre) AS count   FROM movies   GROUP BY ID   HAVING (count = 4)) AS x

The inner query gets all the movies that have exactly 4 genres, then outer query counts how many rows the inner query returned.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM   (SELECT COUNT(*)         FROM   movies         GROUP  BY id         HAVING COUNT(genre) = 4) t


SELECT count(*) FROM (    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Movies GROUP BY ID HAVING count(Genre) = 4) AS the_count_total

although that would not be the sum of all the movies, just how many have 4 genre's.

So maybe you want

SELECT sum(    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Movies GROUP BY ID having Count(Genre) = 4) as the_sum_total