MySQL varchar(2000) vs text? MySQL varchar(2000) vs text? mysql mysql

MySQL varchar(2000) vs text?

When a table has TEXT or BLOB columns, the table can't be stored in memory. This means every query (which doesn't hit cache) has to access the file system - which is orders of magnitude slower than the memory.

Therefore you should store this TEXT column in a seperate table which is only accessed when you actually need it. This way the original table can be stored in memory and will be much faster.

Think of it as separating the data into one "memory table" and one "file table". The reason for doing this is to avoid accessing of the filesystem except when neccessary (i.e. only when you need the text).

You don't earn anything by storing the text in multiple tables. You still have to access the file system.

Sorry what I meant was for example, a forum script, in the posts table they might be >storing 20 columns of post data, they also store the actual post as a text field in the >same table. So that post column should be separated out?


It seems weird to have a table called post, but the actual post isn't stored there, maybe >in another table called "actual_post" not sure lol.

You can try (posts, post_text) or (post_details, posts) or something like that.

I have a tags table that has just three fields, tag_id, tag, and description. So that >description column should also be separated out? So I need a tags table and a >tags_description table just to store 3 columns?

If the description is a TEXT column and you run queries against this table that doesn't need the description it would certainly be preferable.

I think you summarized it well. Another thing you could consider is just moving the "text" to another table... and join back to the master record. That way every time you are actually using the master table, that extra data of where the "text" is isn't even taking up space in the master record. When you need it you can join to that table. This way you can store it as a varchar just in case you want to do something like " where text like... "